Software & App Development

In order to know what software development at first we have to know what software is. Software is a set of instructions, data or programs used to operate computers and execute specific tasks. Opposite of hardware, which describes the physical aspects of a computer, software is a generic term used to refer to applications, scripts and programs that run on a device.

Software deployment is the formula of making software ready for performance. It is the process of delivering completed software to the consumer who ordered it developed, or rolling completed software out to consumers, such as placing an app in the app store. Software deployment should only take place after systematic testing to guarantee that as many flaws and bugs as possible have been identified. Even then, further fixes may be necessary through maintenance.

For software development please contact us at 01611472230. We can develop any kind of software for you.

Package Offers

SL No.DescriptionQuantityPrice
01Accounting Software
Total Inventory
Online Base
For Details Contact Us Please.
Open to Discussion
BDT 25,000
02Accounting Software for e-Commerce
Total Inventory
Stock out & In
Online Base
For Details Contact Us Please.
Open to Discussion
BDT 30,000
03Restaurant Software
Table Booking, Bill, Accounts
For Details Contact Us Please.
Open to Discussion
BDT 25,000
04Mobile App
Design & Development
Using BiznessApp Platform
For Custom App Please contact Us.
Open to Discussion
BDT 8,000